Homeschool Resources

Helpful Resources

External Link Disclaimer:  These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they are resources that homeschooling families have found helpful, but their presence on this site does not mean that THEA has reviewed and approved of all content contained on each external site. We hope these resources will bless you, but also that you will exercise your own judgment in using the information contained in these links.



Learning Tools







Foreign Language:

Driver Education

Learning Styles

Getting Out of the House


Online Communities

Virginia Homeschool Requirements

Disclaimer:  These resources are compiled from the personal experiences of Treasure families and publicly available web resources.  We are not lawyers, nor do we have any legal training, nor are we able to provide any legal advice.  Please be diligent in doing the research necessary to be sure your family is complying with state and local laws, and seek advice as needed from a qualified professional. 

The Commonwealth of Virginia gives four options to comply with state law: 

State Law

Testing or Evaluation

    The testing process takes several weeks to complete, so please allow time to choose a test, prepare for it, administer it, return it, and receive a grade.  You may also want to leave additional margin in case you encounter issues along the way and need to redo your testing.  Test results are sent directly to parents, and parents are then responsible for reporting those results to the school board. 

Religious Exemption

Sample Letters

Dates to Remember

What if I have problems?

The Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) is a well known legal advocacy resource for homeschooling families.  A yearly membership helps support their efforts, and a group discount is available to Treasure families.  HSLDA experts have dealt with many legal issues in and outside of the U.S. and can offer advice and aid to families who are facing legal threats regarding their homeschooling rights. 

    Working out the logistics and finding out what others have done is one of the ways parents help each other at Treasure.  Don't  be a stranger to the Moms Meeting room or park days through the summer.  Those of us who have been doing this a while are happy to share and walk you through what it's like to interact with our local school boards.  Happy Homeschooling!